Please read the instructions before proceeding further:
- Above are the two buttons for viewing the previously submitted surveys and for submiting a new survey.
- While filling the survey you should make sure that:
- Survey form validation rules
- You are not submitting the same patient survey twice.
- You are not leaving any feild blank as all fields are required.
- You are not entering less than 15 characters for overall comments.
- You are not entering file number less than 4 digits as file number.
- You are not entering letters or special characters as file number.
- You are not entering number or special character inside the patient name field.
- You are not entering patient name as 'admin' as it is preserved.
- You can click on the 'Patient Satisfaction Survey' above at the top to come back to this page.
- Click onicon to view details of the survey in the survey table in view surveys page.